We are glad to introduce you to the giant in the field of obtaining Root rights to Android – the program Rootkhp Pro 2.6. In the new version, you can get root rights to thousands of Android devices, including those with a locked bootloader. Getting root access to devices with a blocked bootloader will take a little longer than usual.
Instruction to use Rootkhp Pro 2.6 you can find here. Download program use this links.
OneClickRoot (got error device not found) / Kingo is not working for this device.
Changes to this version
- Fixed known minor bugs
- The algorithm of work is improved
- Fixed the work of the program on Windows XP
Thank you for such a good program, and most importantly, it is free. I took advantage and got a root on the Samsung Galaxy S8. I sent you a few dollars for development. Good luck to your team.
Пользовался версией 2.5, рут получил. Разместил на вас ссылку в своём блоге)
I used version 2.5, I got it. I set link to Rootkhp Pro in my blog). With Best Regards, Alexander.
Rooteo mi LG G5, gran programa 🙂
Works!) recommend to my friends
I get root, but only from second try. My device – Huawei Mate 20 lite on Android 8.1 Oreo.
Rootkhp Pro 2.6 s'est acquitté de la tâche
Schickte Ihnen $ 10 =)) Ausgezeichnete Software
Root права получил, но мне кажется программа немного подтупливает с уведомлениями. А в целом всё окей.
I know guys personally, very talented developers. They quit their jobs in the office in order to become the best in their business.
Honor 8 lite is rooted!
Ottimo lavoro, faccio il root del mio HTC 10.
Умеют американские пацаны делать программы, образование в США хорошее, но наши тоже не пальцем деланные, студенты наши скачивают Rootkhp Pro и получают root права своим друзьям за деньги, вот что я называю русская изобретательность! Зарабатывают наши студенты из воздуха))
Use 2.6, all works