Dear users, we understand that all eagerly waiting for the program Rootkhp in Android format applications (.APK file). We will try to implement the project in a short time. At the moment, we do not have the resources (money and enthusiasts) to hire programmers in staff for the implementation of the application APK. We are concentrated on a version for personal computers.
Rootkhp PC developing rapidly, sending us information about the bug, told about a bug or problem, you will contribute to the development of the program! Having repost to Facebook, Twitter or Weibo – Provide a very great help to the project.
OneClickRoot (got error device not found) / Kingo is not working for this device.
- How to use Rootkhp – instructions
- Download the latest version Rootkhp – here
- Make a donation to the development of the program – here
When APK version this page will be updated.
Versions for Mac OS is not expected in the near future. Thank you for your attention!
Good luck to you, I sent you a large donation for the development of the program.
Keep it up guys!
You have a good startUP, more importantly, develop program and do not throw.