Rootkhp APK version

rootkhp, download, apk, android

Dear users, we understand that all eagerly waiting for the program Rootkhp in Android format applications (.APK file). We will try to implement the project in a short time. At the moment, we do not have the resources (money and enthusiasts) to hire programmers in staff for the implementation of the application APK. We are concentrated on a version for personal computers.

Rootkhp PC developing rapidly, sending us information about the bug, told about a bug or problem, you will contribute to the development of the program! Having repost to Facebook, Twitter or Weibo – Provide a very great help to the project.

OneClickRoot (got error device not found) / Kingo is not working for this device.
  • How to use Rootkhp – instructions
  • Download the latest version Rootkhphere
  • Make a donation to the development of the program – here

When APK version this page will be updated.

Versions for Mac OS is not expected in the near future. Thank you for your attention!


  1. WolfGang Mark says:

    Good luck to you, I sent you a large donation for the development of the program.

  2. WolfGang Mark says:

    You have a good startUP, more importantly, develop program and do not throw.

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