Meet new version best root tool for Android OS – Rootkhp Pro v2.1 (developed in january of 2018 year) with new futures and more faster work. Use this root tool is very easily. In our plans have an APK version of the application, which can be released with due financial support.
Our Bitcoin wallet number for donate is 1LQBnjzawHMD4VPmNEqatUnggLyDLVSiy3
OneClickRoot (got error device not found) / Kingo is not working for this device.
What news changes make released in Rookthp Pro?
- Work with android 8 has become better
- Speed work is up to 5% for optimisation code
- Added few new devices:
- Digma Plane 7006 4G
- Nubia M2 Lite 32GB
- LG Q6+
- BlackBerry KEYone
- Fixed crash tool on OS Windows 10
- Fixed small bugs
Download Rootkhp Pro 2.1 free.
How to use Rootkhp Pro 2.1 – you can see here or input in Google search phrase "Rootkhp Pro you android device".